Monday, July 13, 2009


Last week i did the most stupid thing in my life, nw i jz feel extremely regret. Before i sleep, my brain always appear some stupid question, why u so stupid, do u think tat is funny!!!!Ok i admit i realy expected someone has been so angry wad I did in my blog, i am sori!!NOw i just from her forgiveness!!!!

Caped crusader

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The World is Cruel

At office nw, no work to do and boss not available, so hv a lot of time to write blog NWWWWWW!!

OK 1st of all i wan discuss about movie!Wad is the hottest blockbuster movie now, Transformers Revenge of The Fallen. 1st, , last week my msn contact list,almost everybody pm say transformers damn nice or fucking nice wadever is just nice lar!!I want to clarify, when i saw this I haven yet watch the movie so i expect the movie so much and exciting, so last Monday nite, i watched wif fuji (tis fucker adi watch 2 times). After i watched,emm i noe maybe its going make many people furious orwad, its only a cool but worse movie!!I hv to confessed the action sequence is fantasic make u feel very high and almost drag into their war, maybe this is enough for ur all but for me, the pro critics and member of academy it is not enough sumore this is worse, its oni the kid movie, if i watch in 8 9 years old i will be watching 10 times in cinema!!The story is worse den the primary sch karangan the joking sequence is not funny and u realy damn fuck michael bay!!He criticized back the critics say he know the taste of the audience and what they need, said the critics is low class dunno wad the market need now. Emm act quite make sense, look at the global economic situation now, money is everything u rather write good script but earn a gai sui money or write a cb script but will earn money.Money Money Money!!Thats why the world is cruel , u cannot do wad ever u want? The taste of majority audience now is low,esp Malaysian they only looking for entertaiment movie( usually the movie is worse),this can prove how many nice movie being showing in Malaysia. Back to the topic,the transformers overall is a noisy, underplotted, and overlong special effects extravaganza that lacks a human touch.(rotten tomatoes).

Wait a minute,its canot be like that,who say canot make make miracle, who say canot the good story combine with good action sequence or good graphic. Look at last year, The Dark Knight and Wall E,both success in commercial and critics!Michael Bay u see it? Is your writing script skill low and u not a great director dun find any excuse u can make it better dun just the fighting and sound graphic effect.I noe u going make the 3rd sequencec, please make worse and more worse!!!

Ok!! Next topic!!Nowdays many people like to play facebook, its realy quite joyful and sumore can connect wif the fren u lost contact long time ago!!Some people kao lui or kao zai through the facebook pic, did u ever tink, does it fun?Oklar i admit i did when i 16 17 years old, sound like childish but who not childish before??Wad i want to say is many people looking for the leng zai leng lui pic but true is they are ugly den ur grandma. When u take photo, jz put down ur head slight down, 45 degree turn ur face, hold the camera as near as ur face so wont see u fat body, and then cicak!!Den u can lie many people liao!!How funny the world is, people awaiz duno how ugly they are oni noe how gorgeous they are!!Everybody act kind,friendly to show people how gd u are!!All are bull shit!!Wake up everybody!

Mankind is the complicated and mean animal, u not loyalty as a dog, michael phelps swimming not better den real fish,michael jordon not jump as high as bird,and u more a freaking idiot den the snake or tiger. What we different is we have a more complicated more function brain!!People only will take action when sumthing happen,esp malaysian,people praise you because they want you do sumthing more for him(tats why promotion is offer),people praise you good looking because they are going to chase you, when you are not more useful for them u become undervalue(who like jessica alba now since she married)! I tink people can reflect sumthing from joker quote, it is realy true.Joker said 'Their moral their code is a bad joke,dropped at the 1st sign of trouble,they only as good as the world allow them to be.I show you. When the chips are down, these civilized people their eat each other. See i not a monster, i just ahead of the curse!!"The only sensible way to live is without rule"

If people self protect mentallity lower,greedy lower,intelligent lower,more childish maybe the world will be better!!HEal the world, make it better place for u and for me for the entire human race.


For me there only have 3 god,(Michael Jordon, Jacky Cheung and Michael JAckson)Last week, our greatest artist michael jackson go to find bye bye liao !!How sad it is, i am totally miss him so much it true!!We have to identified what is genious, for me genious has the unique talent given by the god as the gift,then use this advantage to serve for public, as the exhange it will take ur normal life, u see how many genious leave us away.Michael Jackson, health ledger, marvin gaye, bruce lee!!Why, why dun died some stupid like zhang dong liang and lam fung,stupid artist fellow!!!!

*For the people i love, if u have any problem,just call my name, I ll be there!!