Monday, July 13, 2009


Last week i did the most stupid thing in my life, nw i jz feel extremely regret. Before i sleep, my brain always appear some stupid question, why u so stupid, do u think tat is funny!!!!Ok i admit i realy expected someone has been so angry wad I did in my blog, i am sori!!NOw i just from her forgiveness!!!!

Caped crusader

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The World is Cruel

At office nw, no work to do and boss not available, so hv a lot of time to write blog NWWWWWW!!

OK 1st of all i wan discuss about movie!Wad is the hottest blockbuster movie now, Transformers Revenge of The Fallen. 1st, , last week my msn contact list,almost everybody pm say transformers damn nice or fucking nice wadever is just nice lar!!I want to clarify, when i saw this I haven yet watch the movie so i expect the movie so much and exciting, so last Monday nite, i watched wif fuji (tis fucker adi watch 2 times). After i watched,emm i noe maybe its going make many people furious orwad, its only a cool but worse movie!!I hv to confessed the action sequence is fantasic make u feel very high and almost drag into their war, maybe this is enough for ur all but for me, the pro critics and member of academy it is not enough sumore this is worse, its oni the kid movie, if i watch in 8 9 years old i will be watching 10 times in cinema!!The story is worse den the primary sch karangan the joking sequence is not funny and u realy damn fuck michael bay!!He criticized back the critics say he know the taste of the audience and what they need, said the critics is low class dunno wad the market need now. Emm act quite make sense, look at the global economic situation now, money is everything u rather write good script but earn a gai sui money or write a cb script but will earn money.Money Money Money!!Thats why the world is cruel , u cannot do wad ever u want? The taste of majority audience now is low,esp Malaysian they only looking for entertaiment movie( usually the movie is worse),this can prove how many nice movie being showing in Malaysia. Back to the topic,the transformers overall is a noisy, underplotted, and overlong special effects extravaganza that lacks a human touch.(rotten tomatoes).

Wait a minute,its canot be like that,who say canot make make miracle, who say canot the good story combine with good action sequence or good graphic. Look at last year, The Dark Knight and Wall E,both success in commercial and critics!Michael Bay u see it? Is your writing script skill low and u not a great director dun find any excuse u can make it better dun just the fighting and sound graphic effect.I noe u going make the 3rd sequencec, please make worse and more worse!!!

Ok!! Next topic!!Nowdays many people like to play facebook, its realy quite joyful and sumore can connect wif the fren u lost contact long time ago!!Some people kao lui or kao zai through the facebook pic, did u ever tink, does it fun?Oklar i admit i did when i 16 17 years old, sound like childish but who not childish before??Wad i want to say is many people looking for the leng zai leng lui pic but true is they are ugly den ur grandma. When u take photo, jz put down ur head slight down, 45 degree turn ur face, hold the camera as near as ur face so wont see u fat body, and then cicak!!Den u can lie many people liao!!How funny the world is, people awaiz duno how ugly they are oni noe how gorgeous they are!!Everybody act kind,friendly to show people how gd u are!!All are bull shit!!Wake up everybody!

Mankind is the complicated and mean animal, u not loyalty as a dog, michael phelps swimming not better den real fish,michael jordon not jump as high as bird,and u more a freaking idiot den the snake or tiger. What we different is we have a more complicated more function brain!!People only will take action when sumthing happen,esp malaysian,people praise you because they want you do sumthing more for him(tats why promotion is offer),people praise you good looking because they are going to chase you, when you are not more useful for them u become undervalue(who like jessica alba now since she married)! I tink people can reflect sumthing from joker quote, it is realy true.Joker said 'Their moral their code is a bad joke,dropped at the 1st sign of trouble,they only as good as the world allow them to be.I show you. When the chips are down, these civilized people their eat each other. See i not a monster, i just ahead of the curse!!"The only sensible way to live is without rule"

If people self protect mentallity lower,greedy lower,intelligent lower,more childish maybe the world will be better!!HEal the world, make it better place for u and for me for the entire human race.


For me there only have 3 god,(Michael Jordon, Jacky Cheung and Michael JAckson)Last week, our greatest artist michael jackson go to find bye bye liao !!How sad it is, i am totally miss him so much it true!!We have to identified what is genious, for me genious has the unique talent given by the god as the gift,then use this advantage to serve for public, as the exhange it will take ur normal life, u see how many genious leave us away.Michael Jackson, health ledger, marvin gaye, bruce lee!!Why, why dun died some stupid like zhang dong liang and lam fung,stupid artist fellow!!!!

*For the people i love, if u have any problem,just call my name, I ll be there!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Why So Many People Blogging!!

8th of June 2009, 2330, i wonder why many people express their feeling through the blog, wooh maybe i can try now how it going works!!Frankly, i am absolutely miz my fren and family member!!Let me count i think I only use my fucking mouth no more then 15 time including sing some song alone in the bathroom today!!!No family and fren in my side this few of days.Frankly, i guess i just miss my fren and family(mama)!! Jz hv some energy by observe jolin body in the newspaper and my wallpaper!!I looked through my msn contact list all nt busy den away, how dare to find them talk,sumore put on9 de all dota 1!!!I called few of bez fren, one din pick up, one say she is busy, one is going to slip!!Den i try to call someone, but more geng chou tis fellow,cut my call.I nt blame her coz i realy did sumthing bad to her, well wad can i do!!!Maybe she alreadi block me or writing bad about me in her blog!But nvm, she is one of the most beautiful person i had seen before,hard to forget tat looking when 1st time saw tis gal(quite geli i noe).Well i nw listening schindler's list theme, maybe i can tink i glad nt killing by malay!!Gd luck and Gd night!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


认真点!!这次是很认真的了!!我正真目的是为了表达我对电影的观后感, 因为当我看了部好电影的时候,与他人分享, 但全部当我SOHAI, 问我为什么看了部没有娱乐感,简单的说闷的戏!!然后我就吊回他们, 他们还是SOHAI!!!我再此声明,不代表我是有内涵及有素养的人才!!我也不排坼商业大片!!

另外, 我们可爱的国家,马来西亚非常罕有上映些有素质与有文艺的电影(得奖或入围的电影), 不能怪电影院, since they also want to made profit. 所以是谁的错, 是我们, 是你们!!!!!!!!!!!就因为你们的低能令我每天看翻版download!!!!就是应为你们只喜欢看些无聊既没有意义的电影like ( high school musical, harry potter, twilight, fast and furious and some lanjiao ghost movie).我真地对这些毫无兴趣!!
电影是给人看的,不是给人幻想的, 有些无知的小妹妹与小弟弟甚至大姐姐只因为看男主角帅或女主角美而去捧场, 这些只是bonus, 回到电影本身他们根本微不足道,没有也可以!!!电影要看的是剧本的创意,演员的演技,共鸣与教育(我本人觉得是个重要因素), 紧凑和连接性另加音乐(这样还不会闷)和等等。

讲都gek hei!!!!!!Ok, 认真了!!以下是我近年来看过最出色以及最令我感动,难忘,过瘾,震撼人心的电影。Top ten!!!

10. 新宿事件

近年来少有值得看得港产片, 也是我心目中唯一入围的中文片!!自进入二十一世纪港产片有几ji do 就几 ji do!!好电影少不说,烂电影就多到春!你随便数一数有几条是票房保证?你一个月来多少次还比他们更多!来来去都是我爱你,你爱我妈!!不过言归真专(不懂有没有写错),这部片还真的拍得满震撼,有剧情拍得够紧凑。讲述华人偷渡到日本,由面对一切种族歧视的困境,到慢慢建立起黑帮肆力和钱财,如何在他乡找吃,受人欺负(好比说印尼人到马来西亚的情况)。

有人说很残暴,没深度不够文艺!这是混与客观与主观的观点,这也难怪有哪有女子忍心看见吴彦祖被人砍手,被人毁容。但这部片据说是改篇于真人真事,你一定要拍得够真实,引我们进入他们的世界,才能享受电影!另外,看这部戏是要以什么心态来看,如你是以华人心态看,一定看得过瘾,想想华人受欺压了有多少年(以那年代,1990-199?),看他们砍日本人一定有一种爽的感觉,什么怨气都发泄出来了;出版那么多av教坏我们的下一代,还要卖姜贵害我们 每天偷偷摸摸download,最堵兰是女主角美男主角还丑过李斯豪,你讲声不生气!!!就因有这种快感,才把电影要表达的东西表达出来!


rating: 8.0/10 (personal opinion, people who against it i am sori and respect you)

9. Milk

The story of Harvey Milk, and his struggles as an American gay activist who fought for gay rights and became California's first openly gay elected official.

Sean Penn(harvey milk) 一个现实生活中非常阳刚的中年人,我老母说看他就像条流氓,但他的演技十个拇指举起来都不够用.一个很man的人把一个na ying 演得出神入化,毫不夸张,自然,就跟现实中一样,oscar 影帝名副其实!!

rating; 8.1/10

8. Gladiator

When a Roman general is betrayed and his family murdered by a corrupt prince, he comes to roma to seek a revenge as a gladiator!!(copy paste, lazy type,

I know this awesome movie since I was 12 but dun realy take attention of it, since this kind of movie did not attract me at that moment.(还是写华语比较好)

!战斗场面足以称得上经典,不夸张,不拖泥带水当然够刺激!一开场就战斗戏(你们最喜欢), 接下来就男主角的起起跌跌,如何变成勇猛的角斗士而找皇帝报仇!!亲自看才能过瘾. 最后的结局理所当然好人没有好下场,但足以难忘(HE IS THE SOLDIER OF ROME, HONOUR HIM)

RUSSELL CROWE. 没有他这部戏就不会好看,他那沉沉粗粗的声音,不太凶恶但冲充满了仇恨的眼神来寻仇,当然那经典对白;Father of a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife and I shall have my vengeance in this life or the next.

rating ; 8.3/10

7。 The Godfather

The aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son.

这是电影人心目中最经典电影,毫无瑕疵的艺术电影但在我心目中不是最佳因为我不是黑社会(仙家)!!我真得不懂怎样形容,整部电影沉闷,但看完之后,故事情节依然会隐隐出现在脑海中!故事的创意是够的,你无法猜想他的结局,整个黑社会该有的气氛和悲惨都有呈现出来,最有看点当然是godfather, marlon brando, 经典中的经典角色,那沙沙的声音够sexy!!!(want to join family??)

rating 8.4/10

6. Slumdog Millionaire

A Mumbai teen who grew up in the slums, becomes a contestant on the Indian version of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"He is arrested under suspicion of cheating, and while being interrogated, events from his life history are shown which explain why he knows the answers.
还需要说什么,oscar 最佳电影,最佳导演,最佳改篇剧本.他让我体会了从前看爱情篇,期待着男女主角能够重逢的心情,当然还有其他因素啦,赞!!!!!

rating 8.5/10

5. Saving Private Ryan

Following the Normandy Landings, a group of US soldiers go behind enemy lines to retrieve a paratrooper whose brothers have been killed in action.

最真实的战阵场面,让你体验什么才叫打战,一开场就是著名战役omaha beach,人还没有下船就给人headshot,短手的短手,断脚断头你可以看见,这就是战争!!!不同于其他戏好都搞个人英雄主义,好像rambo那样冲锋陷阵,两把机关枪杀掉整村人!!

可惜这部片只拿了个最佳导演(忘记败给那一套电影),但感动是有的还有影帝tom hanks 助阵,够好看!!!

rating 8.6/10

4. Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump, while not intelligent, has accidentally been present at many historic moment, but his true love,Jenny elude him.

全球票房超过六亿美金, 励志电影中最经典的经典.有温情,又好看的故事,又幽默,又悲情但还是很感感动.经典对白"life like a box of chocolate, u never know what you are gonna get, u gotta figure out yourself ", for me is "seks like a box of chocalate,u never know what u are gonna get. u must be brave"!!

Tom Hanks 几出色我不用多说, oscar 影帝(少数得其中一个可以连续两届连庄).oscar best picture,best director,best actor in leading role!!够吊没有!!

rating 8.6/10

3。 Schindler List

Oskar Schindler is a vain, glorious and greedy German businessman who becomes unlikely humanitarian amid the barbaric Nazi reign when he feels compelled to turn his factory into a refuge for Jews. Based on the true story of Oskar Schindler who managed to save about 1100 Jews from being gassed at the Auschwitz concentration camp. A testament for the good in all of us.

Classic!!!从来没有欣赏过比这套更真实,最具艺术和气派的历史或自传的电影,实在太震撼了!一幕幕犹太人被屠杀的情节出现在你眼中,生命的渺小,人性的丑恶和独裁的欲望!!你可想想你是他们的其中之一吗,当你的亲人或自己不知何时何刻都可能被人枪杀,当一名军官早上一起床就拿把sniper看到谁不爽就射他,当小孩抱着一线希望可以逃出魔掌但却不可以,可以躲的地方都给人霸了,能做的就是等allah 或 jesus打救你,这多么的可爱,这把人性的本性统统show出来!!

你亲自看才能体验,整部片都以黑白背景,一条美女都没有不过有裸体看;)!!讲完了!!bye bye!

rating 8.9/10

2. The Shawshank Redemption

Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency.

Hope is a good thing!!!

rating 9.0/10

1。 The Dark Knight



Fuji's dog, goldie very lan si as fuji!!!

God Bless me don spam by other people!!!Please!!

God: Dun worry!I will protect you

认真点!原本不打算在这讲废话!!第一,文法差,不擅长文字表达是我的长项!!但是人就是犯溅 , 试想想写 blog 也算是写日记,当时舰上唯有blog 的时候,所有人都花钱买空白书写日记, 因老师说写日记能助于写作文,提高写作能力。日记是不能给他人阅读的,就好像你穿什么颜色bra一样。但现在blog是要公开给任何人看,甚至还要逼人看( say say oni, remember read my blog if free), 你说人是不是犯溅,是不是犯溅!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!既然这样子,写写夜无妨!

刚刚太激动了,不好意识!!有时真得无所事事的时候,会检讨这社会存在的意义!想到的结果是丑恶!!!!政治的动乱, 贪污, 走条街都会被人强奸和打抢, 奖学金的纠纷, 不同种族的待遇( 心知肚明). Joker 就是这样子逼出来的. 人之初,心本善!! 没有人天生就是坏人,是社会的恶略;造就了'天才'!!!

以上种种的原因得到一个结论, 我们需要batman!! 俗语说"u either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" I am the batman!!


My name is Lee Zi Yuan.
I am the boy.
I live in Seremban.
My hobby is watching movie, football and badminton( recently).
I am 175 - 177 cm tall, body is 32, 0, 24.